Why Are Your Roof Shingles Buckling?

Posted on July 28, 2024

roof shingles buckling

Have you ever noticed your roof shingles in Louisiana starting to warp, bend, or ripple? This is called shingle buckling, and it can damage your home. Even though a few buckled shingles might seem small, ignoring them can harm your home’s structure and its value. This blog post will explain why roof shingles buckle and what you can do about it.

Why Do Roof Shingles Buckle?

Roof shingle buckling occurs when shingles bend, twist, or lift, resulting in an uneven surface and gaps where water can penetrate and cause damage. Trapped moisture is a primary cause, which may occur during construction or due to inadequate attic ventilation, which allows heat to build up. 

Improper installation, incorrect materials, or structural issues can also contribute to shingle buckling. Regular inspections and addressing these issues promptly can help prevent damage and prolong the life of your roof.

What Does Shingle Buckling Look Like?

  • Wavy or Rippled Appearance: Shingles lose their flatness, looking distorted and uneven.
  • Curled or Lifted Edges: The edges lift, creating gaps between the shingles and the roof deck.
  • Buckling in the Middle: Shingles buckle upward in the center, forming a raised area.

Also Read: What Is Considered Wind Damage To Shingles?

What Causes Roof Shingles To Buckle?

What causes roof shingles to buckle

Now that you know what shingle buckling is, it’s important to understand some of the main factors that can cause this issue:

1. Lack of Proper Attic Ventilation

Inadequate attic ventilation traps heat and moisture, causing shingles to flex irregularly, resulting in buckling. Without proper airflow, shingles face fluctuating conditions that lead to a wavy appearance over time.

2. Thermal Expansion

Temperature changes can cause shingles to expand and contract, leading to warping and deformation over time. Older shingles are particularly susceptible to buckling in regions with significant temperature fluctuations.

3. Structural Deficiency and Deck Movement

Compromised roof structures, due to settling or age, can put stress on shingles and cause them to buckle. Weak or uneven roof decks subject shingles to an uneven surface, leading to a buckled appearance.

4. Wrinkled Roof Underlayment

Improperly installed or wrinkled underlayment creates an uneven surface, causing shingles to buckle. The underlayment must be smooth and even, otherwise irregularities transfer to the shingles.

5. Moisture Exposure During Installation

When the shingles on your roof are exposed to rain or moisture before sealing, they can expand unevenly, causing buckling. Installing shingles on a roof deck that has not thoroughly dried yet can cause ripples. Also, the moisture trapped under the shingles can swell over time, causing them to warp.

6. Multiple Layers of Shingles

Installing new shingles over existing ones adds excessive weight and creates an uneven surface, leading to buckling. Multiple layers cause uneven stress on the top layer, making proper roof preparation essential.

7. Poor Installation

Improper nailing, misaligned adhesive strips, or other installation errors cause shingles to loosen and buckle. Shingles need to be adequately secured or aligned to prevent a buckled roof surface.

Solutions To Prevent And Fix Buckled Shingles On a Roof

Let’s learn how to repair buckled roof shingles:

1. Address the Root Cause: 

Identify and fix the issues causing the shingles to buckle, such as poor installation, inadequate ventilation, excessive moisture, or low-quality roofing materials. This may involve:

  • Improving attic ventilation by installing ridge vents, soffit vents, or attic fans to regulate temperature and moisture levels.
  • Repairing roof leaks or water intrusion to prevent further moisture damage.
  • Replacing damaged or low-quality materials with more durable options.

2. Correct Wrinkled Underlayment: 

If buckling is due to wrinkled or damaged underlayment, a roofer must remove the affected shingles, replace the underlayment so it lays flat, and reinstall the shingles.

3. Consider a Roof Replacement: 

If the roof is old with widespread buckling and deterioration, replacing the entire roof may be more cost-effective than repeatedly patching it.

4. Roof Coating or Sealant

Applying a roof coating or sealant can temporarily protect your roof from shingle buckling by providing a moisture barrier and reducing temperature impact. It extends roof life and delays significant repairs or replacement, though it doesn’t fix underlying issues.

5. Hire a Professional Roofer: 

Consult a professional roofing contractor to assess the damage, identify the root cause, and perform the repairs. They have the expertise to spot and address the issue properly.

Potential Consequences of Ignoring Buckling Shingles

Buckling shingles

1. Water Damage and Leaks: 

Buckling shingles create openings where water can seep into your roof, causing leaks and damaging the inside of your home. This can lead to expensive repairs and health risks from mold.

2. Structural Damage: 

Water entering through buckled shingles can weaken your roof’s structure over time, possibly jeopardizing your home’s overall stability.

3. Higher Energy Bills: 

Damaged shingles allow air to escape, making your heating and cooling systems work harder. This results in increased energy costs to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature.

4. Accelerated Roof Aging: 

Curled or buckled shingles on the roof lose protective granules faster, speeding up the deterioration of your roof and potentially shortening its lifespan.

5. Costly Repairs or Replacement: 

Neglecting buckling shingles can lead to more extensive damage, requiring expensive repairs or a complete roof replacement.

6. Reduced Home Value: 

If your roof shows signs of damage, such as buckling shingles, it can substantially decrease the resale value of your home. Prospective buyers might be reluctant to invest in a property with a compromised roof.


Buckled shingles on a roof aren’t just unsightly, they signal that your roof needs immediate attention. Understanding their causes, spotting signs early, and taking preventive steps can protect your home from severe damage. Regular maintenance and timely professional help are crucial for keeping your roof protected and durable.

For trusted shingle roofing services, choose Empire Roofing & Exteriors. With expertise and quality materials, we provide the best solutions for repairs, replacements, and maintenance of buckling roof shingles. To protect your home with our professional care, call us at (225) 347-8877.